Monday, February 17, 2014

Vocabulary Self-Selection Strategy

Which concepts are important to you?

Please post your words & definitions in the Comment Section below.


The Moof said...
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The Moof said...

Autonomous learners: independent thoughts about readings

Critical Literacy: Reading between and beyond the lines

Brainstorming: collective grouping of thoughts

Anonymous said...

Cooperative Learning – working together to come to a similar understanding of an idea

Autonomous Learners – students that can learn through reading on their own

Critical Thinking – thinking outside of the box

Unknown said...

-Think-pair-share- think to yourself, talk to each other, and share as a group
-Comprehension monitoring- keeping track of your thoughts
-Autonomous learners- self-controlled learner

Anonymous said...

Cooperative learning: take turns discussing and listening with a partner
Reflection: Summarizing what you’ve learned
Critical literacy: What is the author saying that’s not written

Anonymous said...

Brainstorming- to think or reflect about a topic

Cooperative learning- working within a group to learn about a subject

Making connections- thinking about a topic and relating it to your own life